CAIIS is excited to welcome you to our Second Annual Pedagogy Summit on April 8th, 9-4pm via Zoom! This year’s theme, “Indigenizing Curriculum,” explores creating space through Indigenous curriculum in community colleges through the transfer process to a four year institution.
We would love to see you for some or all of the day. Below is the flyer and the agenda. Please let us know if you have any questions! Thank you!
9:00 Welcome: Cecilia “Sister” Dillon (Puyallup Tribe)
9:10-9:30: Co-Host Welcome
9:30-10:10: What is at Stake: Student Stories
Break until 10:30
10:30-10:50: Plenary 1: Tribal Relations and Curriculum Development
Lynn Palmanteer-Holder Director (Colville Tribe) State Board of Community
and Technical Colleges:
10:50-11: Q&A
11-11:20 AM: Plenary 2: Place-Based Curriculum Development-Indigenizing Curriculum
Jennifer LeBret Chair (Spokane Tribe) Washington State Native American
Education Advisory Committee to OSPI Office of Native Education
11:20-11:30 PM: Q&A
11:30-12:20 PM: Break Out 1
12:30-2pm Lunch
2:00-2:20 PM: Plenary 3: Title: Indians at the iSchool: Planting Seeds in THIS
Cheryl Metoyer (Eastern Band, Cherokee) Associate Professor Emerita, Information School; Founding Director, Native North American Indigenous Knowledge (NNAIK) Initiative; Adjunct Associate Professor Emerita, Department of American Indian Studies
2:20-2:30 PM: Q&A
2:30-2:50: Plenary 4: Seattle Community College: Native Nation Engagement
Maya Esquivido (Nor Rel Muk Wintu / Hupa) Jaime Cardenas and Tracy Lai, the Faculty Leads on NEH Grant
2:50-3 PM: Q&A
3:00-3:45 PM: Break Out 2
3:45-4:00: Closing Remarks
Pedagogy Summit Flyer